Navigating the journey of maintaining a healthy marriage is not only a daunting reality, but also an ongoing process of personal growth and skill acquisition. Couple Wellbeing Sessions℠ offer invaluable opportunities for couples to embark on a journey of self-discovery, deepening their understanding of themselves, their partners, and the intricate dynamics of their relationship. These sessions also shed light on blind spots that may have previously gone unnoticed.
Bringing awareness to these blind spots is pivotal. Armed with newfound self-awareness, couples can begin implementing heartfelt skills and delicate approaches in their interactions, fostering reconciliation, deeper understanding, and a newfound appreciation for one another.
Dari’s Wellbeing therapists are not only professionally trained, but also equipped with the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis (T-JTA), a powerful tool used to analyze temperament. This enables our therapists to tailor their approach to each couple’s unique dynamics, ensuring that each session is personalized and effective.